Supporting design firms and professionals to explore, express and expand their purpose-driven business and career actions
Every designer (individually) and design firm (collectively) has the capacity to affirmatively act to make a difference in the profession or in society. Ripples, by design seeks to work with design professionals who aspire to be more intentional in their career and/or business choices; that is, to work with those who choose to affect ripples, rather than looking back to see if they had a ripple effect.
In this way, our purpose is to help design professionals optimize their capacity to affect their intended ripples.
Ripples, by design also seeks to support professionals who are underrepresented in the design industry; through advising existing professionals and investing in design students. We donate 5% of all our revenues to the Wisconsin Architects Foundation’s Dream Spaces Scholarship fund. This program provides an underrepresented Wisconsin student with an annually-renewable, full-tuition scholarship to attend the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee School of Architecture.
- See the Dream Spaces page for information, progress and also to make a donation.
Ripples, by design provides consulting and coaching services to both individual design professionals and design firms.
We help you to be more strategic in your career choices and connections, thereby optimizing your ability to personally affect change.
Examples of our services:
- Career strategizing
(alignment, guidance, networking) - Coaching
- Resume consulting and positioning
(transitions, search, placement) - Strategizing AIA Young Architect Award submittals
We partner with design firms in support of your people-strategies, staffing needs and firm culture, thereby optimizing your ability to collaboratively affect change.
Examples of our services:
- Coaching
- Firm culture review
- HR consulting
- Peer connections and networking
- Search and recruiting
- Staffing strategies
(alignment, guidance)
College students
Working with schools of design, as well as student and professional design associations, we provide resume and interview prep sessions, portfolio reviews, and resume critiques.
- See our LinkedIn page, Ripples, by design, and choose to Follow us, as we build our portfolio and stories of successful outcomes!
Ripples, by design llc, is led by John Horky, FAIA, an architect and uniquely-positioned HR practitioner.
From John:
“Throughout my 40-year career in architecture I have been passionate about aligning design professionals with the opportunities and resources that allow them to excel. That was evident in how I managed design projects, led teams / studios, and for 25 years shepherded the human resources function of a 120-person firm. That passion is also why I have continued to serve the AIA for more than 30 years. In fact, my summary statement (my “ripples,” if you will) that formed the thesis for my 2015 case for elevation to the AIA College of Fellows, was:
“Creating and nurturing cultures of engagement in the practice of architecture, John catalyzes connectivity: students to the profession; staff to the firm’s vision; peers to the best HR principles and volunteer leaders to their missions.”
“My 2022 “ripples” statement, and the foundation of Ripples, by design, is:
“Supporting designers and design firms to explore, express and expand their ripples, John assists them: to better align their strategic focus and energies; to connect them with aligned firms, mentors, other experts and resources to optimize their ability to achieve their goals; to assist designers who are underrepresented in the design professions, who historically haven’t had the agency to make ripples.”
- See John’s personal LinkedIn profile, John Horky, FAIA, and choose to Connect with him.
- Visit the Ripples, by design LinkedIn page to access the posted copy of John’s CV.
- Contact John at john.horky@ripplesbydesign.com